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In the fight against female reproductive cancers,
the saying that “the best offense is a good
defense” holds true. Follow these tips to gain a
powerful advantage.

MORE THAN 80,000 women in the United            comes from. Most cases of cervical cancer       are harder to cure, so it’s especially
States are diagnosed with a gynecologic         are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)        important for women to reduce risk.
cancer each year, and more than 25,000 of       infections, and you can get a vaccine to
these cases result in death. These three most   protect you from HPV.                              High-fat diets and obesity can make this
common gynecologic cancers must be fought                                                       cancer more likely, so a vegetable-based
head-on.                                           “Very few diseases this serious can be       diet and an active lifestyle can help prevent
                                                prevented by a vaccine,” Dr. McIntosh notes.    tumor development. Also, people with a
   Women aren’t helpless against gynecologic    “I recommend everyone talk to their primary     family history of ovarian cancer should ask
cancers. Nutritious eating, healthy living      care provider about it.”                        their physician about testing.
practices and medical help can reduce risk.
                                                   Women can also reduce risk by practicing        “As a group, reproductive cancers are
OPPONENT NO. 1: UTERINE CANCER                  safe sex, avoiding smoking, and adding fruits   the most curable ones people encounter,”
                                                and vegetables to their diet. Additionally,     Dr. McIntosh says. “We always work with
   Women can defend against uterine cancer      having a regular Pap test can find early signs  patients to provide the treatment that offers
by watching their diet. Avoiding drinks with    of cervical cancer. Talk with your doctor at    the highest chance of a long life.”
lots of sugar can greatly reduce risk. Adding   your next appointment about scheduling
high-fiber foods, such as black beans and       screenings and tests.                           SPEAK WITH YOUR GYNECOLOGIST
broccoli, also fights cancer development.                                                       ABOUT CANCER SCREENINGS. VISIT
                                                OPPONENT NO. 3: OVARIAN CANCER                  WWW.NAVICENTHEALTH.ORG AND CLICK
   Regular exercise helps, too. Women whose                                                     ON THE “SERVICES & CENTERS” TAB TO
weight is at a healthy level have a lower risk     Ovarian cancer typically becomes             FIND CARE NEARBY.
of developing uterine cancer.                   noticeable in late stages through abdominal
                                                bloating or swelling. Cancers at this point
   Finally, talking with your OB/GYN about
any uncommon menstrual issues can lead to       CALL IN THE REINFORCEMENTS!
catching uterine cancer early.
                                                   Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Navicent Health provides comprehensive cancer
   “Uterine cancer is the most common and       care here in central Georgia. The center brings outpatient cancer services and physicians
curable reproductive cancer, and it often       together under one roof so you save time, travel and stress.
shows up as abnormal bleeding,” says David
McIntosh, MD, gynecologic oncologist at            “One of our goals at the center is to make cancer treatment a one-stop
Medical Center, Navicent Health. “The uterus    experience so people don’t have to see too many specialists at separate times,” says
is a muscular organ that can contain cancer     David McIntosh, MD, gynecologic oncologist at Medical Center, Navicent Health. “We
a while before it spreads, so we can often      take pride in helping people go through the process without a lot of waiting for follow-up
detect and treat it in early stages.”           or second appointments.”

OPPONENT NO. 2: CERVICAL CANCER                    The Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Navicent Health team also provides special
                                                medications, clinical trials and research studies here in central Georgia.
   Cervical cancer has a clear weak spot:
Your primary care provider knows where it

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