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about creating a high performing organization.          “We are moving like one family, focused on the
Integration of our various services and entities        patient. I never expcted it to happen in six
would not have happened in the first year, or at        months from the branding, but it's happening.
the beginning of the second year. But by the            We have the cover for our book – Navicent
third year, the people were ready, the executive        Health – and the chapters are unfolding in a
team was ready, management was ready. We                way we have conceived it to be,” said Saunders.
are now working as a unified system and
understand that we have relationships with              To learn more about Navicent Health, please visit
each other,” said Saunders.                   

In a changing healthcare landscape, Saunders            QA                                                 HOW DOES THIS COMPLEMENT
sees the market moving toward regional and                                                                 LAST YEAR'S LAUNCH OF THE
national networks. By dropping “Central                 HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE                       STRATUS HEALTHCARE ALLIANCE?
Georgia” from its name, Navicent Health is no           NEW NAME?
longer limited to a local service area. Saunders'                                                          We formed the Stratus Healthcare alliance
goal for Navicent Health is that it will become         The name, Navicent Health, was developed           in 2013 with more than 30 other hospitals
a destination healthcare provider of choice for         by bringing together the words “navigate”          to reduce costs and coordinate clinical
patients across the state, the Southeast and the        and “center” – we are helping patients             information. The Navicent Health rebrand
nation.                                                 navigate the path to health and wellness           builds upon this dedication to make the
                                                        while continually keeping them at the              best tertiary care more accessible to
    “The delivery of healthcare will always be          center of everything we do.                        residents while lowering health costs and
           local, but the perception of its                                                                boosting quality of care. Whether our
                comparability to quality resource,      IS THERE ANY SIGNIFICANCE TO                       residents find help within the Navicent
                    position and brand must be          THE NEW LOGO?                                      Health family or among any of our other
                       national. We were already                                                           Stratus partners, we want to help them
                         delivering stellar care. We    Our new logo shows the many disciplines            navigate the path of care in a way that
                          just changed the brand so     and providers of Navicent Health coming            meets their needs.
                           that our services would      together around a patient who is at the
                            be more easily              center of our care.                                DO YOU EXPECT TO EXPAND YOUR
                             recognizable for our                                                          REACH OF SERVICE AND
                             patients and our           WHY DID YOU REBRAND?                               TREATMENT AS NAVICENT
                             potential patients,” said                                                     HEALTH?
                            Saunders.                   Since the day we first opened our doors in
                                                        1895, we've been focused on caring for the         Our ultimate goal for Navicent Health is to
                           The perception of the        health of our community. As we've                  become a destination hospital at a regional
                         health system has already      expanded throughout the years, this                and national level, and provide a continuum
                       begun to change in the few       patient-centric philosophy has been                of care for patients throughout our region
                     short months since the new         embedded and engineered across our entire          and nation.
                  brand was announced.                  health system. Prior to the rebranding, we
             Physicians, clinicians and other           were presented as over 30 unique facilities.
       employees realize they are one team with         Now, by unifying our service lines and
one goal – keeping the patient at the center of         facilities under one name, we are letting our
all they do as they navigate the patient down           customers know that Navicent Health is
the path to care. Likewise, patients and                one team, sharing one purpose. Together,
providers more easily recognize the continuum           we are building upon a foundation of high
of care that has always been offered by the             quality care and creating a path for an even
health system.                                          better future.

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